Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Corky's Ambidextrous Snore.... Kkkkksssshhhhh!

I know you've heard stories about people who snore.... Big deal, right? .. hah!

But, My Corky is a true "legend" in the Snoring Department....

You don't have to be in the same room to be kept awake, you only have to be in the same house!

And if you rent a double-wide trailer for the winter, being in the double wide next to my snoring Corky will give you insomnia... hah!

We have worked out a plan, though....

1. I go to bed 30 minutes ahead of Corky, and take a 10 mg Ambien.

2. Corky faces away from me...
(We apply this logic....If you are in front of a person blowing a trumpet, it's much worse than being behind them.... Nose... Trumpet... See?)

3. Since Corky can only lie on one side, when we get a motel room, we make sure his face (with "horn" attached), faces away from me.

This formula works for us, and we have travelled together successfully for 24 years.... Until today...

After visiting friends, we returned to the Fairfield for our "Senior Citizen Nap Time". Corky reminded me to get into the right bed, so he would face away, and not keep me awake with his snoring.... (What a Guy!)

But something strange happened! I woke up during "Buy Me" to the full-force honking sound of a snore! I looked over and saw Corky sleeping on his "wrong" side... facing me, and snoring at "full tilt"!

I felt proud like a mother... ("Corky can sleep on his left side! Looky, looky!) yet horrified like a new bride.... ("Oh, oh, what am I going to do with this newly discovered monster!")

When Corky woke, I told him... "You can sleep on your left side, after all!" He smiled proudly, unaware of the problem this new "Ambidextrious Snoring" might cause.... hah...

Well, we have worked out worse problems, and I am kind of proud of the old coot for having discovered his left side as a "landing pad".... How many other 72 year old men develop a new skill? hah...

So "happy sleeping" to everyone from that Wild Old Lady, who signs off "Sleepless In Buffalo"...!

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