Saturday, August 22, 2009

Forgetting About the Stupid Things I've Done - That I KNOW about!

I have decided it's time to erase all memories of the stupid things I have done in my life that did not "turn out well". I am certainly not aware of all my mistakes... but, oh well... if I can't remember, it didn't happen! Hah...!

Hopefully someone is reading this who will also realize that making a fool of one's self is a great part of life. Pity the people who haven't had these inglorious experiences!

Like the night that I discovered I could Yodel! Oh, what joy to sing every song, and then yodel all the choruses! It was fun, at least for me. I know that some of the people in that establishment were cheering me on... I don't think that bar in North Tonawanda had television, so I guess I was the "entertainment" for my 20 minutes of "yodeling"... (I am so glad this epiphany did not happen to me closer to home..!)

You might think I had too much to drink that night... hah.. no ... It was just a boring night, the right song played on the jukebox ... and from the depths of my part-German heritage, the ghost of a musical Frau came forth and "channeled" through me. Seriously, I think that's what really happened...

I was always known as someone you could count on when you wanted to have fun... Oh, not "fun" in the Playboy Playmate sense (yuk), but "fun" in the "Lucille Ball" sense.

There is always risk in "letting yourself go" to have fun! "Oh... what will people think of me?".. "Oh... will I look awful doing that?" "Oh, oh, oh..." Then the next thing you know is your life is over with and you haven't had any fun along the way!

Now here's a "Great Revelation"!... Not every stupid thing you do turns out to be stupid. I have had enough experience to tell you that 50% of all joyous, well-intentioned "faux pas" turn out to be a treasured memory that you and your friends will cherish forever!

Like that time I was a USO "Chaperone", and had the Air Force Boys each sit next to a girl on the bus to "protect" them.... The girls talked and giggled about that forever! (Yes, I was a "chaperone".... The local USO was "hard up" for volunteers!)

So there is it... today I have vowed that the stupid things I have done go in two categories.... The ones that "worked out" are "fond memories", and the rest no longer exist!

So have some fun tonight, and make sweet memories for someone....

Bye from that wild old lady in the swamps of Florida!

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