Monday, August 17, 2009

Meet "My Corky"

You've heard about "My Corky", well, here he is...

sitting on the veranda outside our cruise "state-room"... Notice that this is a man prepared for anything... The eyeglass case clipped to his shirt pocket, and the pen, of course! He refuses to wear a shirt that doesn't have what I call a "Nerd Pocket"!

Ask if you can "borrow" his pen, and his eyes get a look of panic in them. Hah... Sometimes I ask him if I can borrow his pen just for the entertainment value of it! (Bad girl, bad girl!...)

Last, but not least, here is my Corky's favorite activity (Watching T.V. while sleeping.) performed in a motel room... hah... His 6'4" frame doesn't fit too well on average chairs, but here is a man who knows how to "make do".... Yes, I know... he married me.. ha, ha... but he always says that is the "smartest" thing he has ever done.

Now pretend that you did not read my blogs about him, i.e. "The Pineapple Caper", "Corky's Big Fat Can of Tuna Fish", and "The Heimlich Maneuver"!

Well, you have met the love and "Living Amusement Park" of my life... My Corky...

So, it's time to buzz the head of my adjustable bed up so I can watch our bedroom t.v. without seeing at my toes protrude into Jon Stewart's chin. Hah!...

"Nighty-Night" and "heads up" from that wild old lady in Florida! :)

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