Monday, August 24, 2009

Shuffling Off To Buffalo!

This blog will be bare for awhile as we will be on the road, and I don't know if I will have access to a computer. To the burglars... our house is being watched on all sides by three neighbors... known as "Annie Oakley" Lisa, "Shotgun" Gary, and "Crazy" George. Don't test them, the nicknames are accurate. We don't have anything, anyway...except for my "fat clothes", and I'm taking the good ones with me! hah...

"See" you when we get back! Love from that wild old lady who has temporarily "escaped" from Florida!


Chuckie_B_Good said...

Dearest OLE` LADY (I use the term loosely)
The question is why your shuffling back to Buffalo this time of the season. Out here in Wa. state most think it would almost be time to head south for the winter as Arizona is our snowbird country. It sure sounds like Tampa area may have hampered your stability or authorities possibly even asked for your extradition .......
Either way, HAVE A SAFE TRIP HOME! :)
And give the Corkster a break, would ya`?!!

The Wild Old Lady From Florida said...

Hi Chuck... So nice to hear from an old friend! My best blogs are about "The Corkster"... hah... Oh what fun life can be... When we get back I would love to hear what you and Linda have been up to... Chuckle...