Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Eureka Moment! - Reading Poetry 40 Years Later -

Everyone should write poetry or essays when they are in their teens and twenties. Just so you can re-read them when you are in your 60's, and go "Aha"!

The way I was raised I didn't think I had to take care of myself.... someone else would... "Hah...."!!!!

In my twenties, after stumbling along aimlessly, I woke up to the truth, that if I didn't take care of me, I was doomed! Here is the Poem I wrote back then which illustrates this "Eureka Moment" (or what I call my great Duhhh Moment!)

"Commentary #2

In a fertile field I waited for seeds...
While my icy fingers counted my needs...
And as I fed amongst the weeds...
I saw many others plentifully feed.

Then I waited for seeds no more...
I woke and decided to test my core....
With fear and quaking, I opened my door...
And pen in hand... let my thoughts soar...

Reading my poems of yesteryear....
I see they were pauses to shed a tear...
I burnt them, all memories of my fear...
Ignomy immortalized is a feat I hold drear.

Instead, let me pass on the story of rise...
And warn of defeat where distemper lies...
Your strength by the mighty is leashed from the skies...
And is yours for the tasking, and not for the sighs."

by Roberta Mary McGrath .... struggling in her twenties to become a mature adult....

("Tasking" is not a "typo"... it was my nieve attempt to cleverly convey with one word that you have to work for what you want, nobody is going to give you things because you want them. I could edit these old poems, but I like the honesty and struggle in them....!)

Hah.... Do smile about it, we were all young once.... :) Have a great day my friends!

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