Sunday, July 5, 2009

The "Pack Rat" Syndrome Exhibited in My Stuffed Address Book

I recently changed my e-mail address, and not being a tecchie, it was a chore! (Chore She says! How about "Heart Attack Bait?") After spending two days trying to import the data from my old address book to my new address book, I am now re-transcribing the important data by hand.

While looking through the old address book, the question I asked was:

"Who are these people"????


"Will they notice I am gone from their lives"????

In reality I have been AWOL from their lives for years, so the answer is "Roberta... who?" .... No, they have not "noticed" that I was "gone".

My keeping their e-mail addresses on file was nothing but a manifestation of my "Pack Rat" Syndrome.

My former cluttered and mostly useless former Address Book is a metaphor for my life...

Hard to navigate at times because of the clutter....

With unfinished projects crying to be finished or tossed....

Filled with broken items that have to be fixed or discarded....

Closets burdened with "Good" clothes that don't fit that must be given to someone who can wear them before they become "vintage" clothes.

Cupboards overflowing with cans of food that have to be donated to food banks, before the expiration dates arrive....

Yes, when the Apocalypse comes, old food and tight clothes won't do me any good unless the Devil is attracted to old, fat women with dysentery who live in cluttered homes!

Hah...! So get rid of what you can't use, and start with those address books!

Happy Day to all! :)

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