Friday, July 10, 2009

My Sonic Scrubber-What a Tool!

If I had the money to pay a maid, I would never do housework again!

There are just so many other interesting things to do!!!!

But....because I have to actually live in my house, I experiment to find fast, easy tools that help me clean house.

The "SONIC SCRUBBER" has become a success story in my home! This little battery operated wonder scrubs faucets and grout lines like a little single minded demon.... It's energy reminds me of the "Tasmanian Devil"..... Wow!

When entering my kitchen, the faucet shines like a piece of jewelry now! Unless your feet actually stick to the floor as you walk, you notice nothing else!

And fun? I can't tell you how much fun this little tool is to use! I sprinkle a little CLR solution on the faucets, then turn on my "Sonic Scrubber" and kind of "space out" while guiding it over the chrome. Who would have thought that a formerly boring household chore could become so mind altering? (Well, obviously it doesn't take much to alter my mind... I have always been "almost there". Hey, I never did drugs... never had to.)

When I rinse and shine the faucet with a dry cloth, it looks like new!

Another payoff is that when I have done all the faucets in the house, I can tell my husband I am tired because of all the "housework" I have just done.

"Time to do another job, now.." I say as I come into my little office/guest bedroom to write this Blog.

Oh, Life is Good, you just have to be creative!

Have a great day, and know that somewhere in Florida there is a wild old lady with shiny faucets who is enjoying life! :)

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